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Miniature Replica's or "One of Original's" of your House, Cottage, Business, Room, almost anything.

All my models have working lights, own display case.

  Ultimate Bachelors Home.
-1 Mast Bdr
-Music Room
-Giant Lvg r
-Game Room
-Giant Kitchen
-Dining Area
-3 Decks
-Huge BBQ pit
-Solar Power
-Satilite com.
-and more...

"Tree Mansion"
  Models from scratch.
M/C lights work
- 4" long
Santana Special
- 4" tall

Replica's of you Bike, or Guitar.
  Wanna see more?
Clic the link on the "Contact Page".

Replica Drums, Studios, full Concert Stages. All with working Lights.